A downloadable game

In the year 5XXX, most of humanity has uploaded their consciousnesses into a cloud reality to prolong their lives nearly indefinitely. A mysterious and destructive computer virus has suddenly begun wreaking havoc across digital landscapes which the remaining population named the Time Anomaly Virus, capable of accelerating time within the computer systems, pushing them exponentially closer to their inevitable decay and obliteration, dooming the rest of humanity to be wiped off the planet. As of right now, the digital landscapes range from bustling futuristic metropolises to the decaying ruins of once-thriving conscious programs.

The protagonist, equipped with a special stopwatch-like device, had the remarkable ability to connect themselves to the computer systems. This connection allowed them to work from the digital "headquarters" of the computer, a place where higher-ups and critical data were stored. The protagonist could stop and rewind time for a few seconds, an essential tool for battling the Time Anomaly Virus and its ever-growing power over the computer systems.

Your objective is to fight through the corrupted computer systems to find the root of the Time Anomaly Virus and destroy it once and for all.


Myron (NYP)

An (NYP)

Otto "Hunts" Kemppainen (KAMK)
You can check out the OST and unreleased tracks here: https://soundcloud.com/lthuntsman


executableGame.zip 302 MB

Install instructions

Unzip the folder, launch OITP_Trident.exe


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This art and game is epiiiiiic